
Photo of Naomi Thompson on Graduation Day being used as a reference

Hi! Welcome! My name is Naomi Thompson. I am a young female professional from Australia who has a passion for video games.

I have a bachelor's degree in Information Technology with a major in Software Design and Development. This makes me a programmer by training.

I have always loved video games and played them growing up. Even now I still play them.
I learned at school that I had a passion for programming and I loved it. My favourite way to describe programming is as digital midwifery.
You conceive of an idea, you grow the idea to maturity through planning and development and when you are finished, you give birth to the completed project.

Due to the love I have for both programming and video games, it wasn't hard for a friend to get me interested into video game development. The natural flow on from this was that I wanted to be a video game developer myself.
Since then I have taught myself a number of skills to aid in my goal to become a video game developer.
These skills include:

I remember a day when it was cold and wet and miserable outside and my 3 younger sisters and I sat together in the lounge room and we took turns playing Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).
This memory of the 4 of us playing together, happy, fun and peaceful with the joy the game bought is something I want to share with the world. I want so many other kids to experience the same joy that I did in that moment. I wish for kids of today to be able to pick up a video game and spend the time playing with friends and siblings, sharing, laughing, having fun. To be a safe environment to spend some time.

I am a Christian. Jesus tells me to care for the people in this world. I want to care for kids by giving them wholesome, family friendly and fun games to play, that their parents can know are safe to leave their kids to play. So many games today seek to exploit the player for selfish means. I want to give people the opportunity to play wholesome games that encourage growth and development of the person, not seeking to exploit the person.
Thus games that promote sharing, empathy, compassion, creativity, problem solving, logical engagement, patience, persistence, resilience and deeper thought are the types of games I hope to create and maintain.

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law."
-Romans 13:8

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others"
-Philippians 2:3-4